Welcome to My Portfolio

I’m a passionate web developer crafting modern, responsive websites.

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About Me

Hello! I'm a passionate web developer with a focus on creating clean, modern, and responsive websites. I enjoy turning ideas into reality through code and design. My skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. When I’m not coding, you’ll find me exploring new technologies or learning something new.





My Projects

Project 1

Website for freelancer

A responsive website built with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to showcase clean design and interactivity.

Project 2

Bitcoin quiz app

A quiz game built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to test your knowledge about Bitcoin while displaying Bitcoin's real time price.

Project 2

Pool testing buddy

A fullstack website built with Flask to keep track of pool testing logs

Project 2

Fitness Blog with e-commerce

A fitness blog built with django and stripe with CRUD functionality and an e-commerce platform
